Do You Really Love Me? by Amai-chan We sit here at this restaurant booth; you drink a milkshake and calmly talk to your friends. I sit here in the quiet, watching you. You smile and finally introduce me as "your little girlfriend." I smile slightly and say hello. You turn your back away and indulge yourself in your own friends and world, leaving me behind in the dust. And it makes me wonder if you really do love me. We step out into the sunlight together, out of the awkward cafe. Awkward, at least for me. We walk the pavement streets, connected arm in arm. A feeling of warmth and adoration should come from this, but it doesn't. Instead, a feeling of ultimate discomfort arises and our arms separate. We walk the streets in pure silence. Communication exists with each other only in our minds, not in reality. And it makes me wonder if you really love do me. We finally reach our planned destination. You hold open the door for me, like every gentleman should, but I feel now that it is becoming more of a reflex than a wanting. I sigh and you don't notice. Communication is still a barrier, we walk together in silence. We separate, I go to the right and you go to the left. I groan. We have never explore this store alone before. I reach out to grab you, but you're not there. And it makes me wonder if you really do love me. I walk towards the center of the store and hear your footprints behind me. I do not bother to turn around to greet you. I do not bother to shout "Oh Mamo-chan!" I do not even bother to acknowledge you. We reach the center together and head for the door. Out into the pavement jungle, we walk. You slyly link your arm with mine and shift closer to me. I want to pull away but I can't. Closer and closer, we come and then finally leaned in for an embrace. And it makes me wonder why I even doubted your love for me. ~^^*^^*^^*^^*^^*^^~ Umm, okay. I know that was kind of weird and short, but that is how Amai-chan writes at 4 in the morning! ^^; I have really no idea where that came from. Rants? Raves? Email me at Take a little detour at my site....... I don't own Sailormoon, if I did......I'd be in Tahiti right now. ^_^ Ja ne! Amai-chan ^.^