Moonie website highlights & reviews
Here you will find special mentions and reviews of some fantastic Sailor Moon websites. Every so often I will feature a new Sailor Moon site, forum, shrine, etc. If you run a Sailor Moon site or have a favorite that you would like reviewed, drop me a link and I will feature it here. :)
Hope you enjoy!
2.12. Hightlights, Issue 1: Moon & Miss

One of our affiliates, the wonderful Moonsticks is BACK!!! I have been waiting months for the return of Chibi Jennifer and her adorably hilarious BSSM webcomics. I urge you all to check out her site, if you have not already. And what's more is that she is also hosting a free giveaway! Ah, free Sailor Moon goodies -- can life get any better than that? (wink) Details are on her site, so do not delay - visit Moonsticks today!

This is truly a wonderful month indeed, because our fabulous sister site aka Miss Dream has finally returned as well! They were down for a while due to technicalities but they have returned with a fresh new layout and system. They are also chock full of updates, some which of include a new gallery setup, projects, translations, downloads and more! They've also started fun little easter eggs into their Monday Night Raws downloads, so that is quite exciting. They are also looking for new staff members! So if you are interested in joining their team, do drop by and apply. ^^