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site information: updatesupdate 05.14.16Nearly a year later and we're back! Let's just say that the third season of Sailor Moon Crystal has revived me because we have a huge new gallery section now! Episode screencaps of SMC season III are now available here with over 800 new screencaps! Also, the BxW Manga galleries have been updated with 50+ new images, in sizes even larger than before.
update 06.05.15Sailor Moon Crystal has arrived to the site! Finally. 36 new screencaps have been added to the Galleries page, featuring caps from the new 720p trailer. You can also find downloads to the trailer in the Multimedia section, both in the original format and a subbed version. update 02.02.13I am super excited about this: I have finally uploaded the R Season for direct download in the Multimedia section. :D That means that the entire Sailor Moon anime is now available here. Took a while but it's complete!
Also, 69 new screencaps added to the Galleries. :) update 26.01.13New affiliate - welcome Senshi Fansubs! And also a bunch of new Screencaps in the galleries here.update 12.12.12Another transformation update! :) A brand new look to the site - seven, to be exact - and several new additions as well. To start, you can pick up free buttons or banners in the Extras section, as well as read up on somereviews on some spectacular Sailor Moon sites. The Galleries have also been updated with a huge selection of new images and characters have their own pages. Also, there is some new Fanart, so go check that out as well. There is so much going on now - please do explore and see what has occured! :D
update 22.09.12Hallo loves. Not too much of an update but there are two new doujinshi in the Fanworks section. Another wonderful joint effort with Elly at MissDream.org!update 06.09.12A brand new layout! You can learn all about it here. And with a new layout I have added a ton of new galleries to the Black & White section: Side Characters, Extra Couples, Villains, Items and Locations. I am very excited about these new galleries and I will certainly be adding new updates as often as I can. There is also a FAQ page that will hopefully answer any questions that you may have. Also, and I am very happy about this, a new section featuring Avatars!! Free to use without any strings. ^^ And last but not least, we have a new affiliate, Tsuki Matsuri, a wonderful new Sailor Moon Coloring Book site.update 06.08.12So these are a bunch of updates that happened about a month ago and I was too lazy to update then to this page. -_- The Sailor S season is not up for direct download in the Full Season Downloads page, along with all three of the Sailor Moon movies here in the Sailor Moon Movies. As for some current updates, 10 new images in the Panoramic Screenshots gallery. The Screencaps section has been updated with 22 images in the Tsukino Usagi gallery, 9 in Usagi & Mamoru, 47 for the Senshi and 12 in Miscellaneous gallery.Previous updates update 05.07.12Some updates of late, to the Galleries. Six new additions to the Panoramic Screenshots to start. A lovely fan wrote in expressing her love for Queen Serenity and requested that I include some here. So there are 18 new images of her in the Screencaps section, located in the Misc Characters / Groups / Pairs. Hope you like, my dear! The Black & White Manga gallery has been revamped due to the abundance of new images that were slowing down the loading time. So check out the new separated categories. 14 new images in the new Tsukino Usagi gallery, 15 images in the Senshi gallery, 4 in Tuxedo Kamen, Chibi Moon; 12 in the Miscellaneous section and 17 in Usagi x Mamoru. Also! Queen Serenity has her own mini gallery, 10 new images, found in the Miscellaneous gallery.update 05.06.12A brand new layout has finally arrived! My goodness, I never thought that this would be finished. A lot has been added and included to this version, some of which includes new javascripts, pages in different sections and additional categories. Hopefully it is not too difficult to navigate. Two new links have been added, Ace of Hearts and a doujinshi site Simple Sweetness. And lastly, a new gallery! Edited Artbook Scans. I've taken quite a few liberties with this one, pumping up the color, smoothening texture and featuring them as huge scans. Hope you enjoy! :)
update 23.04.12Finally a new set of updates! I hope you all will enjoy. 14 new images in the Black and White Manga, 52 in the Edited Screencaps gallery and 13 in the Panoramic Screenshots. A new page in the Site Related section, Highlighted Sailor Moon Sites. Every so often I will be picking a Sailor Moon site for a special mention and review! If you'd like me to review a site for you, do let me know! A new affiliate with the lovely Sailor Cosmos shrine, Moon Flower. For our final piece of news, we have a brand new section added to the Multimedia page. The entire Sailor Stars Season is available for direct download in our new Full Season Downloads. Each episode has been uploaded individually in HQ format, Japanese audio and English soft subtitles. Enjoy! :D
update 10.02.12I'm sorry that it's been quiet around here lately. School and work unfortunately have taken over. :/ But here is a small batch of updates that I've managed. First, we have a new affiliate! Please welcome Sadie of Moonlight Destiny RPG! I've also added three new Panoramic Screenshots, fixed a screwy link in the Doujinshi Downloads and included a new video in the Featured Episode Downloads section. This one was a Request sent in - please remember that you may always send requests! I love them. :) And lastly, four new fabulous songs from the Sera Myu musicals have been added to the Songs, BGM and Henshins page. These are really incredible songs, so I highly encourage you to give them a listening to!
update 19.01.12A major rehaul to the galleries! Separated the Black and White Manga gallery into three sections due to the amount of images loading on just one page. Also added a new category called Lineart and Inserts. 77 bxw images in total added to all three sections. Reformated the Panoramic Screenshots so that the thumbnails represent the actual dimensions of the panoramic images. 17 images in total added. Also updated the Edited Screencaps gallery with 59 new caps. A new artist added to the Manga Colorings gallery! Be sure to check out the lovely work by Soldiersofjustice! A request was sent in to our tumblr for a new episode in our Featured Episode Downloads and it has been answered. A free direct download for your viewing pleasure. And now something that I am most excited about. Isshou-ni.net and MissDream.org have worked together to bring you two new translated BSSM doujinshi! Delicate Planet and another Cockpit Short - I hope you enjoy! If you have any Japanese doujinshi scans that you would like to be translated and featured here, please contact me about it and I will see what I can do.update 11.01.12Another quick update to let you all know that we have two new affiliates!update 10.01.12I am beyond thrilled to announce that just a week into Isshou-ni.net's opening we already have a wonderful set of new affiliates! I am utterly besides myself with the calibar of these truly esteemed BSSM sites.